Distance Education

June 21, 2017

Evidenced-based Treatment Approaches for Methamphetamine Dependence

This webinar will provide a description of what general approaches are useful in treating methamphetamine dependence, a description of current evidence-based treatments (CBT, Matrix Model, contingency management, mindfulness, and aerobic exercise); Research data supporting treatments, and some examples of treatment implementation.
Presented by: Michael McCann, M.A., Co-founder of the Matrix Institute on Addictions

Handout: PowerPoint

June 14, 2017

Methamphetamine Prevalence, and Effects on Brain and Behavior

This webinar will provide an overview of recent data on methamphetamine prevalence nationally and in Wisconsin, a description of methamphetamine effects on the brain, and short-term and long-term drug effects on the user, and some general considerations in treating methamphetamine dependence. 
Presented by: Michael McCann, M.A., Co-founder of the Matrix Institute on Addictions

Using Mapping Enhanced Counseling in a Treatment Setting

Presented by Ben Ekelund, Administrator of Training and Consulting, Center for Health and Justice at TASC, Inc. 
This webinar will introduce you to TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling (TMEC) and show you some ideas about how to use it. The TCU/IBR Website (www.ibr.tcu.edu) contains the references, abstracts and other free downloadable manuals that will help you incorporate TMEC into your program. TMEC evolved from earlier work on graphic representation to improve the communication and thinking of teachers and students. The success of visual approaches, in particular node-link mapping, in education led to applications in counseling starting in 1989.
Resource: TCU/IBR Website - www.ibr.tcu.edu

Risk, Needs, Responsivity Part 1

Live date: 02/24/15

Risk, Needs, Responsivity Part 2

Live date: 03/03/15

Implementing HIV Rapid Testing in Community Treatment: A Challenge for Addiction Treatment Providers

Live Date: 11/07/13
Louise Haynes, MSW

HIV Testing in Substance Use Treatment Programs: Evidence-Based Opportunities and Challenges

Lisa Metsch, PhD
Stephen Smith Professor and Chair,
Department of Sociomedical Sciences,
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

The Disproportionate rate of Viral Hepatitis among Substance Users and African Americans

David Whiters, PhD, MSW, NCAC II,
Live date: 09/20/13
Description: The rate of hepatitis differs widely among race and ethnicity. Substance users represent a significant percentage of people living with hepatitis C, while African Americans represent a disproportionate number of people living with hepatitis B and C. This webinar will discuss reasons behind these disproportionate rates of infection and strategies for preventing and reducing new cases among substance users and African Americans.

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Viral Hepatitis: Transmission, Symptoms, and Prevention

David Whiters, PhD, MSW, NCAC II,
Live date: 09/16/13
Description: This webinar will cover the basic facts regarding viral hepatitis including the distinctions between hepatitis A, B, and C and their mode of transmission, symptoms and prevention strategies.

1. Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People with Substance Use Disorders (TIP 53) – SAMHSA
2. Free from Hepatitis C: Your Complete Guide to Healing Hepatitis C (Lucinda K. Porter, RN)
3. African American and Hepatitis C (brochure) & HCV Basics: Symptoms, Transmission, Prevention (brochure) found at HCV Advocate www.hcvadvocate.org

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HIT For Behavioral Health: What's in it for me?

- Linda Grove-Paul, Centerstone of Indiana
- Jonathan Smolowe, White Pine Systems
- Doug Dormer, White Pine Systems, LLC
Live date: 02/06/13
Description: The webinar will help attendees to learn about the environment that led Centerstone to seek an online extension to their traditional programs; visualize what some components of such an online strategy might include, through a demonstration of Centerstone’s Electronic Recovery Oriented System of Care, including social medial, online clinical tools and personal health record; understand the implications of such programs by summarizing early results and reviews from users, both clinical staff and clients; anticipate the future of client engagement, including extension to serious mental health and integrated health in support of Health Homes; and analyze the results of such programs by presenting a financial model with early results from the Centerstone experience.  Attendees should come away with a sense of how to approach online patient engagement solutions and have a clear idea of how to begin pursuing such a strategy.

Suicide Prevention and Substance Abuse: A Shared Framework

Live Date: 12/13/12
Description: The first part of this webinar will describe the public health approach to suicide prevention, and the importance of substance abuse as a key risk factor for suicide. We will share information about the scope of suicide in the U.S., as well as current prevention initiatives and core competencies necessary for successful suicide prevention programming and initiatives.  The second part of our presentation will focus on the newly released National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP). The NSSP is the product of a public-private partnership co-led by the U.S. Surgeon General and Dr. Jerry Reed, Director of SPRC.  Finally, we will conclude with a presentation about how one organization, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL), is actively utilizing a community-based approach to care for suicidal individuals.

Prevention and Recovery: Cornerstones in Modern Treatment

Live Date: 12/06/12

Description: An integral component of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) is the National Prevention Strategy, which is designed to shift the focus of healthcare from the treatment of sickness and disease to prevention and the maintenance of health.  This presentation will review how the this shift and the principles of prevention and recovery, when combined, can strengthen the impact of care and build wellness - at whatever point of addressing the illness along its trajectory over the continuum of care in prevention, intervention, treatment or recovery itself. By reviewing the evolution of our understanding of the illness and in examining best preventative and recovery science and practice, each point of contact or opportunity will be defined not as a separate end in itself but as a dynamic process of enhanced services and anticipatory practice to address substance use as a potentially chronic illness while simultaneously building the wellness of each individual, family and community.

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Recovery Oriented Methadone Maintenance

Live Date: 10/17/12

Description: This presentation will discuss the four papers included in the monograph, Recovery-oriented Methadone Maintenance (ROMM)

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation each participant will be able to:
• Describe changes in the degree of recovery-orientation within the evolution of methadone maintenance in the United States.
• Identify three concerns that have contributed to efforts to increase the recovery orientation within Opioid Treatment Programs
• List key service practices that distinguish ROMM
• Discuss strategies aimed an decreasing social and professional stigma attached to medication-assisted treatment in the United States

Intended Audience: This presentation is designed for patients and providers of methadone maintenance and other medication-assisted treatments as well as other addiction professionals and recovery support specialists wishing to learn more about the application of the concepts of recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care to the arena of medication-assisted treatment.

*Introduction is cut off, but video begins on second slide. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Criminal Thinking Part 1: Lack of Time Perspectives

Live Date: 03/21/12
Description: Thinking errors in criminals continue to expand into almost all areas of lives their and they regularly fail to deter their distorted thinking which results in regular violence and harm of others. These thinking errors are similar for the addicted offender as well, leading to substance use and criminal activity. This webinar is an overview of the criminal and addictive thinking patterns and their similarities, tactics used by the addicted offender in an effort to mask their criminogenic needs, and "the lack of time perspective" which prevents them from learning from their experiences.

Debunking the Myth: Our Lived Experience Alone is Enough

Live Date: 02/08/12

Roles that Persons in Recovery Play within ROSC

Live Date: 01/11/12
Description: This second webinar of the 4 part webinar series will highlight the multiple volunteer and career opportunities available to Persons in Addiction Recovery (PIR) within Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC).  
Who should attend: Recovery Support Specialists, Treatment and Mental Health clinicians, Prevention, and other disciplines.

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Setting The Stage: Who is a Person in Recovery; What is a ROSC; and what are the Opportunities

Live Date: 12/12/11
Description: This 4 part webinar will highlight the multiple volunteer and career opportunities available to Persons in Addiction Recovery (PIR) within Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC). This webinar series will provide PIR with a suggested pathway for pursuing and obtaining these opportunities.

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Thriving in an Era of Change - Developing Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

Live Date: 09/29/11
Description: The landscape is changing for all health-related services. Providers, researchers, recovery advocates and system administrators are advocating for more flexible and integrated systems of care to promote community health and wellness and long-term recovery. This presentation will examine how developing recovery-oriented systems of care, positions providers and system administrations to successfully navigate the changing healthcare environment. The presenter will review the characteristics of recovery-oriented systems of care and their implications for all services and supports. Participants will learn about examples of innovative recovery-oriented systems of care and their implications for all services and supports. Participants will learn about examples of innovative recovery-oriented practices emerging around the country. Finally, different approaches to developing recovery-oriented systems of care and their relative advantages and limitations will be explored.

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Recovery Management - Premises, Promises & Pitfalls

Live Date: 09/27/11

Description: This webinar will describe the current shift from acute care (AC) models of intervention into severe and persistent alcohol and drug problems to models of sustained recovery management (RM). The webinar will include discussions of the history, changes in service strategies and potential pitfalls of the recovery management model.

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Leveraging National Health Reform to Reduce Recidivism and Build Recovery: National Health Reform 101 for the Criminal Justice System

Live date: 09/7/11

Description: People under criminal justice supervision have very high rates of substance use (over 70%) and psychiatric disorders (over 16%) as well as infectious diseases and chronic medical problems. Because in most states they do not have health insurance, people involved in the criminal justice system receive only episodic medical and behavioral health care in jail and in the community. Proven models that provide effective substance use and mental health treatment to people under criminal justice supervision have demonstrated major health improvements and reductions in incarceration and rearrest as high as 80%.

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Connecting the Dots

Ijeoma Achara, PsyD
Live Date: 07/04/11

As ROSC is continuing to grow, we find ourselves trying to "connect the dots" when it relates to: 1. ROSC & health reform; 2. various service integration initiatives (Mental Health, Primary Care, CJ, Homelessness, Veterans, etc.); and 3. how all of this will affect the design and development of peer-based recovery support services.

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The Role of ROSC in Healthcare Reform

Live date: 12/16/10

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