Medication-Assisted Treatment - Your Doctor Understands Your Addiction

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a potentially live-saving option for many clients and patients to help support them in their recovery from opioid or alcohol addiction.  In 2011, the National Office coordinated the Network-wide effort to develop resources for treatment providers and medical professionals in order to improve overall knowledge about MAT and increase outreach, access and retention in MAT, especially for specific minority populations.  The culminiation of these efforts resulted in the campaign Your Doctor Understands Your Addiction - create your path to recovery together with medication-assisted treatment.

This campaign consists of a suite of marketing materials that treatment and medical professionals can use to start the conversation arount MAT with patients.  This suite includes brochure, posters, and pass-along cards - many available in English and Spanish.   These materials are available FREE of charge through the projects website

In addition to the outreach materials, this Network-initiave produced two online courses - specifically targeted for treatment professional (NBCC, NASW, and NAADAC) and for medical professionals (CME).  This training program is designed to enhance professionals' knowledge and skills related to reaching and educating the special populations about MAT and increasing the use of MAT among minority populations.  Each course, housed on the Network's e-learning site,  is available for 6-7.5 hours, and can be tailored to meet an individuals needs.  Learn more about these course and register at

Network Presentation on Addressing Resistance to MAT at 2012 AATOD

In April 2012, Laurie Krom, MS, Director and Erin Hobbs, MPA, Associate Director, National Office, along with Tom Freese, PhD, Pacific Southwest ATTC, presented at the 2012 American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) on strategies to Address Resistance to MATPlease explore the presentation below.